The Chair in Photonics is a structure located on the Metz Campus of CentraleSupélec and that is part of the LMOPS laboratory (Optical Materials, Photonics and Systems). The LMOPS is a common research unit between CentraleSupélec and the University of Lorraine.
Launched for an initial period of four years (2017-2020), the Chair in Photonics is as of today the first Chair in France that is dedicated to photonics, i.e., the science and technologies using light.
The Chair in Photonics is unique also by its funding involving multiple partners, including a major industrial group AIRBUS (GDI Simulation), the European Union (FEDER or ERDF – European Regional Development Fund), the French Republic, the Region Grand-Est, the Department of Moselle and Metz Metropole.
Photonics is considered by the European Commission as one of the five key enabling technologies (KET) in the framework of Horizon 2020 program.
Optical communications are at the heart of numerous applications from our daily lifes.
Photonic technologies are commonly used in our daily life. High speed communications between cities, continents but also between buildings or even between subsystems of electronic devices are made possible thanks to optical fibers inside which is guided a laser beam.
Printers, optical mouses, computer screens and cameras use technologies that combine electronics and optics. Early diagnosis of numerous diseases is achieved using medical imaging techniques using optical technologies. Dermatology and ophtalmology among other disciplines commonly use laser beams.
As part of the business of more than 750 companies in France, photonics remains poorly considered in the program of our engineering and physics educational programs
The Chair in Photonics aims at filling this gap between the society, the industrial needs for photonics and our high level education and research capabilities.
The Chair in Photonics is an original structure in the landscape of higher education and research.
Indeed, beyond existing structures such as laboratories, institutes, clusters, technological platforms, the Chair in Photonics fulfills a triple mission: 1) to develop scientific excellence in photonics, 2) to enhance the transfer of knowledge and skills towards industries, 3) to promote the importance and applications of light for a large audience and to develop high-level engineering and master degree programs in photonics.
The Chair in Photonics is a structure that allows new partnerships with academics and industrials.
If you wish to become a partner of the Chair in Photonics please follow the link to “Our partners”